
A Store is an upload destination for Application artifacts.

With DBLSQD, you retain full control over your hosting solution. We call it: Bring Your Own Storage.

Currently, services compatible with the S3 API (e. g. Amazon S3, EMC Elastic Cloud Storage or Minio) and SFTP servers are supported.

We recommend you set up a Store first before you get started deploying with DBLSQD.

Creating an S3 Store

You can configure DBLSQD to use any S3-compatible storage solution that supports the v4 signature.

In order to create a new S3 Store, you can use the following command:

dblsqd add-store-s3 $store_name

$store_name needs to be replaced with a unique name later used to identify this store.

The CLI tool will then ask you for your Access Key ID, the Secret Access Key and the bucket name.

Note: DBLSQD does not create a new bucket for you. You need to create a bucket before you set it up in DBLSQD.

Switching Regions or Provider

The CLI tool defaults to using Amazon S3 in the us-west-2 region.

You can change the region by providing the --region $region_name option.

Different providers can be used by specifying their respective host name with --host $host_name and --port $host_port.

Creating an SFTP Store

Traditional shared or dedicated hosting can be a compelling alternative to more expensive object storage solutions.

In order to create a new SFTP Store, you can use the following command:

dblsqd add-store-sftp $store_name

$store_name should be replaced with a unique name later used to identify this store.

The CLI tool will then ask you to enter your SFTP credentials, including host name, user name and user password.

Authentication With a Private Key

You can also authenticate with a private RSA key (just like you’d do for SSH).

In order to do so, specify the option --user-key $/path/to/private_key.pem

Note: We recommend that you use a private key generated specifically for use with DBLSQD. It is good practice not to re-use private keys.

Host Key Verification

By default, DBLSQD doesn’t verify the public key of the host machine.

You can specify the option --host-key $/path/to/public_key.pem in order to enable host key verification.

Are you stuck?

Are you stuck or need help setting things up?

Let us know at hello- at -dblsqd com and we’ll be happy to assist you!